網頁標題: 中翻英練習-5

Warning: fopen(/home/crazy/www/cmsb/betty/has_read.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/crazy/www/compose/reading.php on line 2077

Warning: fputs() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /home/crazy/www/compose/reading.php on line 2079

Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /home/crazy/www/compose/reading.php on line 2080
﹗﹗﹗觀看留言:此文章已經有5則留言 ﹗﹗﹗

1. 今天我無法參加你們的聚會,但是我很樂意改期參加下次聚會。
2. 他一點都不在乎,丟掉那個客戶是理所當然的。
3. 主管應為員工的好榜樣。
4. 他千方百計的得到他想要的。
5. 在某種程度上,它是可被接受的。
6. 無論如何你都不能為他的恐嚇所屈服。
7. 人生總有得意和失意。
8. 她有能力掌控任何情況。
9. 我們費了很大的力氣想出克服困境的方法。
10. 她出國為了攻讀商業管理。
1. I can,t attend your meeting tonight,
but I would like to  take a rain check
for next meeting.
2. It served him right for losing the
account, because he   didn,t care at
3. Managers should set good examples to
their staff.
4. He spared no pains to get what he
5. It,s acceptable to some extent.
6. Under no circumstances should you
submit to his intimidation.
7. Life always has its ups and downs.
8. She is capable of keeping everything
under control.
9. We spent great efforts on working
out a solution to overcome our
10. She went abroad with a view to
studying Business administration.

本文張貼者:小蛋糕〔張貼時間:民國99年8月4日(星期三)14點12分〕 | 寫信給小蛋糕


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