網頁標題: The Selfish Giant
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 Once upon a time, in a pretty house lived a giant. Every time the giant went out to visit his friends, children would play in his garden among the green grass, lovely flowers, and peach trees. In spring, the trees grew beautiful blossoms, and in autumn they produced delicious fruit. The birds sang so sweetly that the children stopped their games to listen to them. The children were all happy, forgetting that it wasn't their garden.
 One day, the giant came back and found that the children were playing in his garden. "What are you doing here?" he shouted angrily, and the children ran away. "My own garden is my own garden," said the giant. He quickly built a high wall around it and put up a sign.
 Then spring came, but in the giant's garden, it was still winter. Without the children, the birds would not sing, the flowers felt too sad to bloom, and the trees refused to blossom. Only the snow, the frost, and the wind were happy. "We can live here all year long," they cried. The snow covered the grass with her white cloak, the frost painted the trees silver, and the wind roared all around.
 "I cannot understand why spring is so late," said the giant. But spring never came, and summer disappeared. Autumn gave golden fruit to every garden except the giant's.
 One morning, the giant was lying in bed when he heard some lovely music. A bird was singing and the wind stopped roaring. "I believe spring is here at last," said the giant, and he jumped out of bed and looked out.
 And what did he see?
 In the garden was a wonderful sight. It was full of children. They crept in through a hole in the wall and sang in the trees. The trees were so happy to see the children that they covered themselves with blossoms. The birds flew around with delight, and the blooming flowers laughed. The giant saw all this, and his heart melted with joy. "Now I know why spring would not come here," he shouted. He ran outside and spoke to the children.
 "It's your garden now, children. You may play here forever," said the giant, and he broke down the wall. From then on, when people passed by, they always found that the giant was playing with the children in the most beautiful garden.



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