網頁標題: 高二上英文第一克單騙

We need to understand the chain of events that led to the problem before we solve it.
Sam kept the dog on a chain to prevent it from running away.
unemployed adj. 失業的
Derek has been unemployed for weeks, and he is still looking for a job.
employ vt. 僱用
The movie company employed three stage designers to take care of all the costumes and props.
employer n. 雇主
Kent's employer gave Kent a pay raise because he had been doing such good job.
employee n. 雇員
As a full-time employee, Rick has to work eight hours a day, five days a week.
employment n. 工作 職業
For some college students, the first thing they want to do after graduation is find employment.
rage vi. 肆虐 激烈的進行 憤怒 震怒
As the typhoon raged on, many trees in the park were blown down.
Raging at her dishonest son, Mrs, Jones yelled at him angrily for lying to her.
rage n. 盛怒
When the father found out that his daughter had stolen from the store, his face became red with rage.
The manager flew into a rage after discovering that the employee had been playing online games during working hours.
chill n. 寒氣 寒冷
Gloria felt warmer after lighting a fire. It took the chill off the room.
chilly adj. 寒冷的 冷颼颼的
In autumn, it is usually warm during the day, but it often gets chilly at night.
stranded adj. 滯留的 受困的
Because of the heavy snow, our plane couldn't take off and we were stranded at the airport for hours.
approach vt.;vi. 接近 靠近
As you approach the intersection, you'll see the bank.
Alone in the room, Rita was frightened when she heard the sound of footsteps approaching.
approach n. 時間或距離上的接近
The approach of spring brought new life to the graden.
flat adj. 輪胎漏氣的 坪的 平坦的
My father pulled over to change the flat tire of the car.
In the past, many people believed that the Earth was not round but flat.
aid n. 幫助 援助
The rescue team came to the climber's aid and helped him get down from the mountain safelly.
aid vt. 幫助 援助
The book will aid those students in learning French, helping them know the correct pronunciation of the words.
trunk n. 汽車行李箱 樹幹
The taxi driver opened the trunk so that the travelers could put their baggage inside.
I leaned my bike against the tree trunk and started to read a novel under the tree.
owe vt. 欠錢 將...歸功於
Ben owed Kate some money for the drink. He had to give her three dollars.
Tanya owed her success to her professor. Without him, she would never have finished her master's degree.
repay vt. (repaid-repaid) 報答 回報 償還金錢
To repay John for his help, Sue treated him to dinner.
It took five years for the businessman to repay the money that he had borrowed from the bank.
grab vt. (grabbed-grabbd) 匆忙的拿取 抓住
Leo was almost late for school, so he just grabbed his books and ran out of the house.
The mother grabbed her son by the arm to keep him from falling down the stairs.
entire adj. 全部的
The entire building was destroyed in a fire. Only a few ashes are left now.
erase vt. 抹滅 消除 擦掉 抹去
My happy childhood memories will never be erased. They will stay in my mind forever.
Joe erased his wrong answer and wrote down the right one.
wonder vt.;vi. 想知道某是 對某事感到好奇 納悶 對...感到驚訝
I wonder why Annie refused to go out with me. Did I do anything wrong?
Jeremy hasn't come to school for days, and it makes me wonder.
We all wondered how Alan could finish a bottle of water in thirty seconds.
wonder n. 驚嘆 驚奇 另人驚嘆 驚奇之事務
I looked at the glorious sky in wonder as the sun rose in the east.
The country is famous for its beautiful mountains, great waterfalls, and other natural wonders.
due adj. 預期的 預計的 款項到期的
These books are due back on October 2. Make sure you return them to the liberary by then.
Don't foget to pay the phone bill. It is due next Monday.
whisper vi.; vt. 耳語
Eric whispered softly in my ear so that no one else would be able to hear what he said.
Wendy whispered something to Bill, but her voice was too soft to be heard.
whisper n. 爾與昇
The two men spoke in whispers for fear that other people would hear them.
hit home 使某人身切感受到
The ugliness of the war hit home when we saw the horrifying scenes of the fighting on TV.
pull up 駕駛停車 車輛停止
Our taxi pulled up outside the hotel, and the doorman opened the car door for us.
by the way 順帶一題
I have a test in my English class later. By the way, have you seen Hank?
roll down something 搖下車窗
We rolled down the window to enjoy the cool breeze as Dad drove us to the beach.
pass through 路過
On our trip to Hualien, we passed through Yilan and grabbed some food there.
not give something a thought 不考慮某是
The dress is too expensive for me, so I won't give it a thought.
drive off 駕駛開車離開 車輛開走
After saying goodbye to Paul, his father drove off and geaded home.
be on one's feet 九戰
The salesman has been on his feet all day. He hasn't had time to sit down and take a break.
in sight 在視線內 在視野中
The little boy waited until his mother was no longer in sight, and then he started to eat the cookies.
be worried sick 極度擔心
It was 11p.m. and Danny didn't get home. His mother was worried sick.
ending --> glass === copy



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