網頁標題: 高一上英文第六課課文

Astrology is everywhere. Open a newspaper or talj to a friend, and you will surely see it or hear about it.

The Chaldeans are said to have been the first to have practiced Western astrology. They looked at the sky and recorded what they saw. In 1930, when Britain's Princess Margaret was born, a newspaper published the astrological predictions for her life. It led to a surprising wave of public interest in astrology. Soon after, reading and learning about astrology became popular.

Like Princess Margaret, everyone has a star sign that corresponds to his or her birthday. Each sign belongs to one of the four categories: fire, earth, air, or water. If two people are born under signs in the same category, they might share similar personality traits.

For example, fire-sign people are often enthusiastic and energetic. With these personality traist, they usually make great leaders. Some famous examples are Napoleon Bonaparte and Winston Churchill. People born under earth signs tend to make plans before they take action. They follow their plans and are often successful in reaching their goals. These personality traits are illustrated in the lives of Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Teresa, and Kobe Bryant.

Air-sign people are often friendly and communicative. They are eager to gain knowledge and always find things to learn in new experiences. These people are often surrounded by friends. Oscar Wilde, Abaham Lincoln, and Orprah Winfrey are in this category.

Usually, people borb ybder water signs tend to be sensitive to the needs of others. They like to follow their hearts instead of their minds. They are highly imaginative and often find great pleasure in art and writing. These personality traits are easy ti discover when you read a novel by Ernest Hemingway, Louis Cha, or Amy Tan, or when you take some time to enjoy Pablo Picasso's paintings.

So, next time you are not quite sure of yourself, why not look at the sky on a starry night? The stars may open your eyes to new ways of looking at yourself.



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