網頁標題: 4000 u16

 1.environmental adj. 環境的
 environmental protection [pollution, pollutants, issues]

 2.envy v. 嫉妒 n. [U] 嫉妒 =jealousy
 I envy how intelligent she is.
 the envy of sb. 使人羨慕的人或物
 =remove, delete

 3. erase v. 抹去 =clear off; 除去
 Their names were erased from the list

 4. escape v. 脫逃 =flee, get away from n. [C][U] 脫逃 =getaway  The prisoner escaped from the prison.
 He narrowly escaped death.
 have a narrow [hairbreadth] escape 死裡逃生
 make one's escape 巧妙地脫逃

 5. essay n. [C] 小品文

 6. evil adj. 邪惡的 =wicjed; 相反詞 virtuous n. [U]. 邪惡 =vice; 相反詞 virtue
 An evil man is full of evil thoughts.
 The criminal's mind is full of evil.
 good vs. evil 善惡對決

 7. excellence n. [U] 優秀

 8. exchange v. 交換 n. [U][C] 交換
 exchange sth. with sb. 和某人交換某物
 exchane A for B 把 A 換成 B
 in exchange (for)... 交換…
 He gave me a pen in exchange for the book.

 9. exhibition n. [C][U] 展示 =demonstration; 展示會 =exposition
 on exhibition 展出中的

 10. existence n. [U] 生存 相反詞 nonexistence; 存在 [C] 存在方式
 come into existence=come into being 成立:產生
 in existence 現存的
 It is believed that the universe came into existence about fifteen billion years ago.
 一般相信宇宙大約在 15 億年前成形。

 11. exit v. 出去 =leave; 相反詞 enter; 退場 n. [C] 出去;出口 相反詞 entrance, entry
 He made a quick exit from the stage.
 an emergency exit 太平門〔緊急出口〕
 a fire exit (火災時)消防出口

 12. expectation n. [U][C] 期望:預期 =anticipation
 live up to one's expectations 達到〔完成〕某人的期望
 against [contrary to] all expectation(s) 出乎意料
 beyond (all) expectation(s) 比預期的好
 I have to do well in school to live up to my parents' expectations.

 13. expend v. 花費 =spend
 expense n. [U][C] 開支 =expenditure; 費用
 I bought the car at an expense of $200,000.
 at any expense 不惜任何代價
 at the expense of... 以…為代價,犧牲
 cut down (on living) expenses 削減(生活)經費
 She pursued her career at the expense of her family.
 I just lost my job so we should cut down our expenses.

 14. experiment v. 實驗 =try n. [C]. 實驗 =test
 The biologist is making experiments on living animals.
 conduct [make, perform] an experiment 做實驗
 experiment with[on, upon] …拿…做實驗
 He experiments with all kinds of plants.

 15.explode v.(a) 爆炸 =blast, burst: 情緒爆發
 The bomb exploded. 炸彈爆炸。
 explode in [with] anger [rage] 勃然大怒

 16. export v. 出口 n. [C] 出口;出口物品 相反詞 import
 the export trade 出口貿易

 17. expression n. [C][U] 表達,表示:表情 =look, appearance [C] 語句 =phrase,word
 Every language has different kinds of expressions for certain situations.
 a facial expression 臉部表情
 a worried [puzzled] expression 滿面愁容〔疑惑〕

 18. extreme adj. 極度的; 極端的 相反詞 moderate n. [C]. 極端 =extremity
 extremely adv. 非常地 =exceedingly, very
 She is extremely excited when she won a new car.
 extreme pain 劇痛
 with extreme care 極小心地
 the extreme end of the road 路的最尾端
 extreme political views 偏激的政治思想
 go to [be driven to] extremes 走極端

 19. fable n. [C] 寓言
 There are always moral truths in fables.

 2. factor n. [C] 因素 =element
 Poverty is a chief factor in crime.
 a decisive/deciding/determining factor 決定性因素
 an essential factor 不可或缺的因素
 Money is the essential factor of whether the plan will take place.
glass === 抄寫



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