網頁標題: Toilet Tales

Children can use toilets.
Big boys and girls can sit on them.
Toilets are for people,big and little.
Animals could nevre use tiolets because......a giraffe could nevre fit through the door.
An elephant could never use a toilet.
If he sat on it,it would surely smash to pieces.
An elephant is heavy.
A lion,the King of Beasts,would sit on it thinking it was his throne.
He would never want to get off the toilet.
A chicken would think that the toilet is a nest and sit on it for three days,waiting for something to hatch.
A snake would think it's a wild animal and wrap itself around the toilet.
Snakes could never use toilets.
A seal would be wet and slip off.
Seals could never use a toilet.
A porcupine would get his quills stuck and never be able to use a toilet.
a goat would just eat the toilet paper.
a mouse is so tiny,it would fall right in.
A mouse could nevre use a toilet.
A beaver would gather up all the tooth brushes and build a dam.
A beaver could'nt use a toilet either.
Sheep could never fit into the bathroom because they always go together.
It would be too crowded.
Sheep can't use a bathroom.
A fish would think it's home and would live in it.
A fish couldn't use a toilet.
Toilets are meant for big kids like you.



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