網頁標題: The Pig In the Pond

This is the story of Neligan's pig.
One day neligan went into town.
It was hot.
The sun shone in the sky.
Neligan's pig sat by Neligan's pond.
The ducks went,"quack!"The geese went,"honk!"They were cool on the water in Neligan's pond.
The pig sat in the sun.
She looked at the pond.
The ducks went,"quack!"The geese went,"honk!"The pig went,"oink!"She didn't go in,because pigs don't swim.
The pig sat in the sun getting hotter and hotter.
The ducks went,"quack,quack!"The geese went,"honk,honk!"The pig went,"oink,oink!"She didn't go in,because pigs don't swim.
She rose from the ground and turned round and round sramping her trotters and twirling her tail and...SPLASH!Splash!SPLASH!SPLASH!SPLASH!SPLASH!SPLASH!SPLASH!SPLASH!
The ducks and the geese were splashed out of the pond.
The ducks went,"quack,quack,quack,quack!"The geese went,"honk,honk,honk,honk!"Which means,very loudly,"The pig's in the pond!""The pig's in the pond!"The word spread about,above and beyond,"The pig's in the pond!""the pig's in the pond!""At Neligan's farm,the pig's in the pond!"From the fields all around they came to see the pig in the pond at Neligan's farm.Fnd then...Neligan came on his cart!Neligan looked at the pig in the pond.
The pig went,"oink!"Neligan took off his hat.
Neligan looked at the pig in the pond.
The pig went,"oink,oink!"Neligan took of his trousrts and boots.
Neligan looked at the pig in the pond.
The pig went,"oink,oink!"Neligan took off his shirt.
Neligan looked at the pig in the pond.
The pig went,"oink,oink,oink,oink!"Neligan took off his pants and...SPLASH!Neligan joined the pig in the pond.
Splooooooosh!They all joined the pig in the pond!And that was the story of Neligan's pig.



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