網頁標題: Milly Molly And Bush,bob

Milly and Molly sat with Bush,bob on the old bench under the aplle tree. They shout their eyes tight and listened. "Just lovely"sighed Bush,Bob"And if you listen very carefully,you'll hear the Skylark singing her heart out over the paddock in the valley below"Then Bush,bob was quiet for a very long time. Milly opened one eye and so did Molly.

"Bush,bob,are you enjoying it all for one last time"he said. Milly and Molly sat straight with both eyes wide open. "Where are you going>"Bush,bob explained,"Great Aunt Hattie has died and left me her apartment and a bank full of money." "Goodbye Bush,bob"they called as they waved. Bush,bob waved his hat until Milly and Molly where too small for his old eyes to see.
When Milky and Molly looked out across the hills, the sky was emty without the smoke from Bush,bob's chimney. They could hear the Skylark bot her song seemed a sad one.
Bush,bob settled into his new aparment. There was a peg for his hat and a balcony with a view.

But there was no room for a garden or a tree with an apple. There wasn't a hive or a fresh egg for supper. There was no ign of a cow of sheep for his jerseys and when he shut his eyes tight, there wasn't a bird to be heard. But there was no room for a garden or a tree with an apple.

On his doorstep lived a tramo who had a parrot with a patter and hat for donations. "What do you say?"asked Bush,bob. "Give me your parrot and I'll give you a bed and a peg for your hat."

Milly and Molly saw the smoke from Bush,bob's chimney. They heard the Skylark singing as though her heart would burst.

And when they reached his cottage on the edge of the bush,Bush,bob threw his arms up in delight. "You rascals"he said. "I think you smelt the bread, fresh from my oven."



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