Milly and Molly looked out across the hills from the upstairs window. they could just see the smoke from Bush,bob's chimney. "Come on"said Milly. "Let's surprise him"suggrsred Molly. followed the track along the edge of the bush to Bush,bod's cottage.they left their footprints in the dewy grass behind them. Bushbob threw his arms up in delight. "Yyou rascals"he said. "I think you smelt the bread,fresh from my oven."Bush,bob had a beard the colour of his jersey and a hat that never left his head. He had a cow that gave him milk for his tea and cream for his porridge. He had a hen that roosted on his bedhead and laid him an egg for his supper. His shep gave him wool for his jerseys and pebbles for his garden. Bush,bob his own vegetables and kept bees for their honey. His orchard gave him apples and pears and peaches and plums. "Come now"said Bush,bob,when Milly and molly were full of fresh bread and honey,"let's sit in the sun and enjoy the birds." "Bush,bob are you there? i'm enjoying it all for one last time"he said. Milly and Molly sat up straight with both eyes wide open. "Where are you going?'Bush,bob explained,"Great Aunt Hattie has died and left me her apartment and a bank full of money." When Milky and Molly looked out across the hills,the sky was empty without the smoke from Bush,bob's chimney. they could hear the skylark but her song seemed a sad one. But there was no room for a garden or a tree with an apple. there wasn't a hive or a fresh egg for supper. there was no sign of cow of a sheep for his jerseys and when he shut his eyes tight,there wasn't a bird to be heard. Milly and Molly saw the smoke from bush,bob's chimney. they heard the Skylark sining as thogh her heart would burst. |
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