網頁標題: 高一上英文第一課課文

All of us want to have friends. Do you know that making friends can be like making suop? That is, to enjoy a close friendship with another person, you must be like a good chef. First, you need a special recipe. It tells you what you need. Next, you have to prepare all the things you need and then cook them carefully.

The poem on the right was written by a fourteen-year-old student. It is about friendship, and it is called "Friendship Soup."

Friendship Soup Like tomato soup, only
Better, more
Satisfying, and
Good for your soul.
All you need is a can of love,
Opened with a smile,
Poured into a bowl of good feelings and similar interests.
Mixed with: a
Cup of warm wishes,
Three cups of talking,
Five cups of time together-
House visits,
Two tespons of helpfulness,
Three cups of trust,
A shoulder to cry on,
A basket of hugs,
Three tons of encouragement,
And don't forget-a
Bit of nuttiness!

The poem shows that if you want to enjoy a close friendship with another person, you have to make an effort. You cannot just sit back and wait for it. Like a good chef, you have to make it happen.

The poem also says that friendship needs many different things. For example, trust and similar interests are very important. If you really trust your friends, you can talk to them about any problems you have and share your feelings with them. If you and your friends have similar interests, you will spend more time doing the thinks you enjoy together. Friendship also needs care. You can't leave it alone, just as you can't leave soup on the stove without stirring it. Friendship, like soup, needs your time and attention. Though having a friend keeps you busy, it also makes you happy. A good friend, like a bowl of good suop, can be just what you need when you feel down.

Thus, when it comes to keeping old friendships and starting new ones, remember that it can be alot like making suop-it may take time and effort, but it is always wirth it.



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