網頁標題: 高一下英文第四課課文

As usual, Amber was hurrying to catch the yellow school bus. Luckily, the traffic lights turned green as she was to cross the road, so she made it. When the bus passed the golden arches if McDonald's, she felt a sudden urge to have hamburger. She hadn't had breakfast that morning because the fruit salad on the blue dish did not look delicious at all. It occurred to Amber that she was still on a diet. then, she was in a really black mood.

You may notice that several colors were used in the above story so as to help describe Amber's morning. In fact, colors influence your life more than you can ever imagine. Take language, for example. You may describe a sick person as being "a bit green." Sometimes, you may also use symbolic meanings of colors to talk about things. For instance, to describe a depressed person, you say that the person is "feeling blue." Without a doubt, colors do spice up ordinary conversations.

Additionally, colors can be applied to many parts of your daily life. Have you ever thought about why many school buses and taxis are painted yellow, and stop signs red? Since yellow is the most eye-catching color, it can catch people's attentiion, especially in heavy traffic. As for red, it is the color which usually indicates warning. What is why some traffic signs use this color, and hot-water faucets are usually labeled red.

How colors affect appetite may be something which most people hardly notice-the colors of a dining environment possibly decide how much you eat. Most fast-food restaurants are often decorated in bright colors such as red, yellow, orange, and white for the purpose of increasing people's appetites. This is because bright colors are not only natural colors that are fiybd in many foods, but also able to raise people's spirits. Blue, on the contray, is aid to soil people's appetites because few foods are blue in nature. For those who are on a diet, blue dishes and bowls might help. Believe it or not, colors are everywhere in both your daily routine and conversations though you may not notice thme! "Morning, Amber! What happened? You look a bit green," said Violet, Amber's best friend.
"Nothing... just felling... down," said Amber.
"Hey! Come to my place tonight. Guess what I just bought? A Wii! it's red-hot."

Amber was tickled pink to have the oppotunity to play with the Wii ane said, "Sounds great!"



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