1. mushroom n. [C] [U] 蘑姑:蕈 v. 如雨後春筍般增長 =increase He became sick after eating some poisonous mushrooms. 他因為吃了毒姑而生病。 High-rise buildings have mushroomed along the riverside. 高樓大廈如雨後春筍般地沿著河岸蓋起來。 2. musical adj 音樂的 n. [C] 音樂劇 How many musical instruments can you play? 你會演奏幾種樂器? Les Miserables is one of the most famous musicals in the world. 「悲慘世界」是世界上有名的音樂劇之一。 3. mystery{`mistri] n. [U] [C] 神秘;奧祕 =puzzle, secret He is interested in the mysteries of nature. 他對自然界的奧祕很感興趣。 4. nap n. [C] 小睡,打盹 =doze v. 小睡,打盹 I usually take a nap after lunch. 我通常午餐被會小睡片刻。 He usually naps for an hour when he comes home from school. 他放學回家多半會小睡一小時。 5. native adj. 本地的;相反詞 foreign 原產的; 天生的 =inborn, innate n. [C] (當地的)居民;(當地的)產物 Corn is native to America. 玉米的原產地是美洲。 The tourist dressed as if he were a native of the country he was visiting. 這個旅客打扮得就像他去的那個國家的人一樣。 native language 母語 native speaker 說…當母語的人 Native American 北美原住民(原稱印地安人) /p.102 6. navy n. [C] 海軍 He joined the navy when he was twenty. 他在二十歲時加人海軍。 navy blue 深藍色 7. necessity n. [U] [C] 需要: 必需品 < 常 -ies>=requirement Food is a necessity of life. 食物是生活必需品。 8. neighborhood n. [C] 附近地區 We live in a quiet neighborhood. 我們住的地區很安靜。 9. nerve n. [C] 神經 [U] 勇氣 =courage He is all nerves before the test. 他考試之前非常緊張。 He doesn't have enough nerve to stand up to his boss. 他沒有足夠的勇氣反抗老闆。 10. nervous adj. 緊張的 =anxuouse; 相反詞 calm nervously adv. 緊張地 Don't be so nervous. Everything will be fine. 別這麼緊張,一切都會沒事的。 11 · network n. [C] 網狀組織 That country has an excellent network of railroads. 那個國家有良好的鐵路網。 We have a network of computers in our office. 我們辦公室有電腦網路。 12. nickname n.[C] 綽號,別名:暱稱 v. 取綽號 Bill is the nickname of William. 比爾是威廉的暱稱。 His friends give him a nickname "Fatty." 他被朋友取了個綽號叫「胖子」。 13. noble adj. 高貴的; 高尚的 =virtuous, moral; 相反詞 bass, ignoble; 卓越的; 貴族的 =aristocratic n. [C] 貴族 =aristocrat The mayor praised the man's noble deeds. 市長讚揚這男子高尚的行為。 With a large house and a large staff, the rich man lives his life like a noble. 有著大房子和很多的員工,這個富人過著如貴族般的生活。 He is of noble birth. 他出生於貴族。 14. normal adj. 正常的;相反詞 abnormal normally ady 正常地; 通常 =ordinarily A human's normal body temperature is 37 度 C. 正常人體溫度是攝氏三十七度。 Normally, she is not so late. 她通常不會那麼晚到。 /p.103 15. novelist n. [C] 小說家 My ambition is to become a novelist. 我的抱負是成為小說家。 16. nun n. [C] 修女;尼姑 The nun is saying her prayers in the church. 這位修女正在教堂裡禱告。 〔比較〕 monk 修道士;和尚 17. oak n: [C] 橡樹 Tie a yellow ribbon on the old oak tree. 繫黃絲帶在老橡樹上(歌名)。 18. observe v. 觀察 =watch; 遵守 =obey, follow; 評論 他喜歡觀察星星。 All citizens are required to observe the laws of their country. 所有市民都必須道守他們國家的法律。 19. obvious adj 明顯的 =apparent, plain obviously adv. 顯然 =apparently, evidently The solution to this riddle is obvious. 這個謎語的解答很明顯。 Obviously, we are lost. 顯然,我們迷路了。 20. occasion n.[C] (特殊的)時侯,場合;特殊的大事(節日等) =case, event ; 機會 |
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