1. minority n. [C] 少數;相反詞 majority; 少數民族 Only a minority of students passed the difficult test. 僅少數學生通過這個困難的考試。 2. miracle n. [C] 奇蹟 miraculous adj. 奇蹟似的 =marvelous miraculously adv. 不可思議地 =amazingly It was a miracle that he wasn't hurt in the car crash. 他在車禍中沒受傷真是奇蹟。 He made a most miraculous escape from the prison. 他奇蹟似地逃出監獄。 3. misery n. [U] [C] 悲慘,不幸 =sorrow, hardship, misfortune The old man lived a life of misery after his wife died. 老先生自從喪妻之後就過著悲慘的生活。 4. missile n. [C] 飛彈 The soldiers are going to launch a missile. 士兵們將要發射飛彈。 5. missing adj. 失蹤的 =absent, lost; 缺少的 =lacking The police have not yet found the missing boy. 警察尚未找到失蹤的男孩。 6. mission n. [C] 使命,任務 =task,assignment The general sent the soldier on a difficult mission. 將軍派給這個士兵一項艱難的任務。 perform a mission 執行任務 7. mist n. [U] [C] 霧 =fog misty adj. 有霧的;模糊不清的;相反詞 clear The cottage was veiled in mist. 小屋籠罩在霧裡。 Her eyes are misty with tears. 她淚眼朦朧。 in a mist 迷惑,心中徬徨 8. mixture n. [U] [C] 混合物 =combination; 交錯 He waited with a mixture of joy and anxiety. 他以喜悅和不安交織的心情等待著。 9. mob n. [C] 暴民;烏合之眾(集合用法) =crowd v. 成群圍住 There was an angry mob of young people at the station. 車站聚集著一群憤怒的年輕人。 The spectators mobbed the player. 觀眾將選手團團圍住。 10. mobile adj. 可以移動的 =moveable; 相反詞 stationary Bob won't be mobile until the wound in his leg heals. 在腳傷痊癒之前,鮑伯不能走動。 mobile phone 行動電話 mobile home (用車拉的)活動房屋 /p.99 11. moist adj 潮濕的 =damp, humid; 相反詞 moistureless He used a moist towel to clean his hands. 他用濕毛巾清理雙手。 12. moisture n. [U] 濕氣;水分 Trees use their roots to absorb moisture from the soil. 樹木用根部來吸取土壞中的水分。 13. monk n. [C] 修道士 =friar; 僧侶 Many Catholic monks often lead a simple life in a monastery. 很多天主教修士通常都在修道院中過奢樸實的生活。 a Buddhist monk 和尚 14. mood n. [C] 心情 She is in a bad mood. 她心情不好。 be in no mood for... 沒有心情做… 15. mop n. [C] 拖把 v. 用拖把拖 She is cleaning the kitchen floor with a mop. 她正在用拖把拖廚房的地板。 She told me to mop the bedroom floor. 她叫我拖房間的地板。 16. moral adj. 道德的;相反詞 immoral morally adv. 道德上,從道德角度 A fable usually gives a moral lesson at the end of the story. 寓言的結尾通常都有一個道德的教訓。 What you have done might be legal, but it is still morally wrong. 你做的事或許合法,但在道德上仍然站不住腳。 17. motel n. [C] 汽車旅館 Motels are usually cheaper than hotels. 汽車旅館通常比飯店便宜。 〔比較〕 hotel 旅館;飯店 18. motor n[C] 馬達;發動機 The washing machine needs a new motor. 這臺洗衣機需要新的馬達。 19. murder n. [U] 殺人 =killing: 謀殺 [C] 兇殺案 v. 殺害 =kill A murder happened in the neighborhood last night. 昨晚這附近發生一起兇殺案。 An old lady was murdered in her apartment. 一個老婦人在公寓中被殺。 20. muscle n. [U] [C] 肌肉 He builds his muscles by lifting weights. |
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