網頁標題: 英文作文:飼養寵物
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Keeping a pet
My  father have kept rabbit when i am childhood. First my father caught two rabbit in the field. My grandfather brought back home and put rabbit in the ferreous's basket. Soon one rabbit drunk water just death.
Next i tried to fed rabbit eat carrot and rabbit very have energy. But my grandfather doesn't kept rabbit long and give up kept rabbit. To i feel sorrow rabbit very bestial encounter.
And then i learn keep pet need have responsible heart and keep pet's knowledge. Otherwise you will hurt cute creature. And you also don't hurt creature and protect creature. So you need keeping pet after cautious think. 

本文張貼者:蓁伶〔張貼時間:民國97年12月28日(星期天)15點47分〕 | 寫信給蓁伶


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