網頁標題: 英文作文:我最喜歡的一本書

I Favorite One Book BY Some Time Red of Set Sun         
Some Time Red Of Set Sum is Hong Yau's(瓊瑤) romance novel of one book. Some of one it's I have seen Hung Yau's novel favorite special one book. Why I like this book? Because it's story very amusement.
It's story happen in the 1940 year. Stor
y body is describe heroine take affiance but then she is fifteen-year-old decide. When she doesn't hear mother advice, adult and she happen love. Result adult and she have one 司生女. Though this man have one wife and him wife born one girl and get divorcement credential. Though he finally find
heroine but heroine have husband. And heroine's girl doesn't know her really father is who. But when her girl and her father's
naphew lost love, same time breeding
her father wrote a letter for her mother.
When she finally read her father give
her mother letter and she realize her life thing. Blowoff is heroine's girl and her father's nephew marriage and her brother and same father's sister prepare afresh exam college and her really father went burrow in the mountain.
Reading finished this book i consider novel middle figure very conatus. If i am heroinecanvery uncomplaining abide my love homecoming. Because we already take to aboveground celebration and only absence line, we are get couple. Also we's affection very inspissation and i already with child. And i can born we's girl and burden breeding he and ex-wife born girl buck. I can teach for my girl how and her same father diffirent mother do, and make they become good friend and good sister.   
When i read this book very affect, and
can't help temper tear down. Reading
finished this book learn don't very
conatus before do thing and when kind born begin good education is decide one child in the adult's behave. I also learn when we adolescence do thing will affect we life of afterward, so when we adolescence need caution decide cheese do thing.
Hung Yau's novel is my favorite and other inkslingers romance novel i also like. Reading finished this book make i can want read again and again.

本文張貼者:蓁伶〔張貼時間:民國97年9月27日(星期六)18點03分〕 | 寫信給蓁伶


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