網頁標題: 英文句子

高三甲  增紹捷
1. I usually go to school by bus.
2. I ate the hot pot for dfnner next night.
3. My best friend is my brother1 Becausehe is the one how always cares about me and reminds me of the thing I should do.
4. I am doing me report now.
5. I was born in Taipei.
6. My favorite thimg to do on the weekend is shopping 1 Because I can experience many new things.
7. I usually get upat six.
8. I clean my shoes once a momth.
9. I am going to go back to school.
10.No,I do not think buying lottery tickets is the best way to become rich.Because the chanckis to small. One must make the effort to got rewards.



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