網頁標題: 英文

〔ln the classroom〕
MISS rin;Good morning,class,
Class;Good morning,Miss rin,
Miss rin;This is AmyBrown,
Class;Nice to meet you,too,
[During the break]
Patty;who s she?
Amy;she s my wister, Mwg,
Patty;rs he your brother?
Amy;NO.HE’S my cousin,Tcd,
Patty;Really?My mother is a nurse,too.
Amy;Patty what d your phone number?
Patty;rt s2701-6769.And your phone numBer?
Amy;My phone number is 2563-8907.
Patty;HOW about your cgllphone number?
Amy;rt s 0920-578-364
[At noon]
Patty:Wow, look! Who s she?
Amy;she s my grandma,
Patty;Your grandma? How old is she?
Amy;she s sevEnty-flveyears Old.
Patty;she s so cool, andHer scooter is cool.too!
Any;Grandma,This is Patty.
Gran dma;Hi,how are you?
Patty;Not bad,And you?
Grandma;veryWell. Here s your lunchbox,Amy.
Amy;Thank yoU, Grandma, Bye!
Amy;Your humchbox isYsllow! rt s beautiful.
Patty;Thanks. Your red lunchbox is pRetty,too.
Kevin;Amy. It s
. a small lunchbox.
Kevin;Look at my lunchbox!
Amy;Wow!rt s big!
(At Meg s birthday Party)
Meg;Wow,A birthday cake!
Meg s family;Happy birthday to you,Meg!ThEse gifts are foryou.
Meg;oh,thank you very much.
Meg;Wow!A Nice watch and a big penCil case.uh...What are these?
Meg;Are they cookies?  Meg s dad;No, they re not.
Meg;Are they erasers?
Meg s mom;That s right.Meg;Cool!
Meg;what aRe those?Are they notfbooks?
Meg s dad;No.they re not notebooks.
Meg;what are tHey then?
Amy;They re picture books from Ted.
Meg;Wow,they re so beautifl!wait!whats this?
Amy;rt s a gift from Tom-his picture!Meg;rsee...
(At Patts house)
Patty: Hi,Amy.Please come in.
Amy: Good morning Patty.
Lucky: Woof, woof, woof!
Patty: Lucky, be quier.
AMY: Wheres youg?
Patty: Hes in my bereoom. Lucky, come here!
(In the living room)
Amy:You are so cute, Lucky, How old are you?
Patty:Youre right! Lucks two.
Amy:Hes smaart!
Patty: Thanks. Hey, lets go to the park.
(At the park)
Amy: Ah! Wheres my hat?
Patty:Look!Itsin the tree!
Pstty:Dont worry. Lucky,ghe the!

(At the zoo)
Amy:Look!There are some rabbits over there.
Patty:Yeah. Theyre so qretty.
Amy:And look at that!What is it?
Patty:Its a guinea qig.
Amy:I see Thats onterwsting!
Amy:Hey!Are there any koalas here?
Patty: There are seven.
Amy: How many koalas are there in the koala house.
Patty:Tere are seven.
Amy:Lets go there!
(At the koala house)
Amy:Wow, so many koalas! One, two, three....six!
Amy:Ha! Over there Theres little koala on Mollys back.



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