網頁標題: Body Art 歷史悠久的身體藝術——刺青

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  Tattoos1 are often seen on sailors, bikers2, and gang3 members, but now, they are not just connected with people with something to prove. Instead, they have become popular with ordinary people. In fact, people all over the world have been marking their bodies with tattoos for thousands of years. The earliest known tattoos were found on several female Egyptian mummies4 from around 2000 BC. However, scientists discovered in 1991 AD that the art of tattooing is much older.
Otzi the Iceman, who was found in the Alps between Italy and Austria, had tattoos from 5,200 years ago.
  Cultures around the world have been practicing tattooing for many reasons. Ancient Egyptians tattooed women to protect them before and during child birth. Ancient Britons used tattoos as marks of religion or high status. The most famous were the Picts. They tattooed images of beasts5 in blue to give themselves those animals' spirits and power during battle. Ancient Romans, Chinese, and Japanese marked criminals6 and slaves with tattoos. For most tribes7 in Polynesia, tattoos were used to indicate a person's status, tribe, and abilities. For the Maori of New Zealand, each design was unique and like an ID card on a person's face. Tattoos were also common in Taiwan. The people of the Atayal tribe tattooed both young men and women's faces as they became adults.




Building Your Vocabulary 

1. ordinary a. 普通的,平常的
My parents have lived a very ordinary life.
2. mark vt. & vi. 作記號 & n. 記號
This box was marked "Handle With Care."
3. practice vt. 實行,奉行
The custom is still being practiced today.
4. religion n. 宗教,宗教信仰
Maria believes religion makes her life fuller.
5. status n. 地位,身份
The social status of women has changed slowly over the years.
6. indicate vt. 代表;指出
The study indicated that females live longer.
7. unique a. 獨特的,特別的
Everyone's fingerprints are unique.

Phrases for Learning 

◆ be connected with...  與……聯想在一起
Jack-o'-lanterns are usually connected with Halloween.

Extra Words 

1. tattoo n. & vt. 刺青,紋身
2. biker n.(成群結黨的)重型機車騎士
3. gang n. 幫派(本文中作形容詞用)
4. mummy n. 木乃伊
5. beast n. 野獸
6. criminal n. 罪犯
7. tribe n. 部落 

Tips In Use 

The earliest known tattoos were found...from around 2000 BC.
However, scientists discovered in 1991 AD that...
  BC 表『西元前』,而 AD 則表『西元』。兩者的分野為耶穌誕生的前後,其表示方法如下:
1. 500 BC → 西元前500年
  BC 為"Before Christ"(耶穌誕生前)的縮寫。
2. AD 2010/2010 AD → 西元2010年
 AD 為拉丁文 Anno Domini的縮寫,其意為"in the year of our lord"(我們活在主的年代)。
若年份不特別註明是 AD 或 BC,則通常指的是西元某某年。但若是某段文章內同時提及兩者,就必須寫上 AD 或 BC 以示區隔。 

本文張貼者:小蛋糕〔張貼時間:民國99年8月1日(星期天)23點08分〕 | 寫信給小蛋糕


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