網頁標題: 緊急:請求各位英文高手來幫忙,共有2則留言


〔版子#1〕Bo-Cheng Jhan,民國104年8月30日(星期天)1點08分


* 我是張晏晟(Yen-Cheng Chang),1994年5月2日生於台灣台中,
I am Yen-Cheng Chang, born in 台中 台灣 on 1994/5/2.

* 目前就讀台北實踐大學音樂系(Shih Chien University Department of music in Taipei)四年級,主修鋼琴。
Now, I am a senior majoring in piano in the department of music in Shih Chien University in Taipei.

* 我出生時,因體重不足,住在保溫箱,
I was put in a 保溫箱(請願意協助者找一下嬰兒保溫箱的英文) because of my low birth weight.

* 不但喪失視力導致全盲,又因腦性麻痺的關係而不良於行,一直到五歲才開口說話。

* 在三歲時,我的姑姑送我生日禮物:一台電子琴,從此開啟了對音樂產生極大的興趣。
My aunt gave me an electric piano as the third birthday present. Since then, I have been greatly interested in music.

* 由於我熱愛音樂,因此

* 在家人的幫助下,自五歲開始學鋼琴。
I started learning piano with my family's help when I was 4 (years old).

* 在上課時,我事先用錄音帶作筆記,並回家去反覆聆聽,將老師所彈奏的音符都牢記在腦海裡,
I took notes by tapes in class and listened to them repeatedly at home, to kept each note played by the teacher in mind firmly.

* 並鑽研更深入的演奏技巧。
Furthermore, I explored more profound playing skills.

* 在父母及老師的用心指導下,讓我嘗試各種不同的鋼琴比賽,並與其他的選手競爭,
After the careful guidance from my parents and my teacher, I tryed entering many piano competitions.

* 也從參賽選手中學習到良好的典範,並隨時的監督自己,勇敢的奮鬥挑戰。
Learning lessons from other competitors, I supervised myself to work hard at any time.

* 過去曾參加過的音樂比賽及獎項包括:
(用 Reward record 獲獎紀錄即可)

* 除了練琴和參加比賽外,我還舉辦過三場的個人音樂會,並在2008年前往義大利與鋼琴家Maddalena Murari舉行三場音樂會,並進行四手聯彈的演出,獲得當地的觀眾熱烈迴響。
Except piano practice and competitions, I held 3 individual concerts (其他部分有音樂界的專用語,希望能請實際該領域的人協助)





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