網頁標題: 『colors』留言版,共有8則留言



You are very wonderful! So wonderful! Sometimes we can learn to make a English test glass game in your blog. ok?



Wow! English test glass! Sounds great!



Good job, William! You know a lot of English words about colours!! So what colour is your uniform? :D
By the way, is Marjorie here 方晨?



Ha, yes, I am.
Teacher Joann, long time no see.



My uniforms are orange T-shirt and black shorts.



Ha, I got you, Marjorie!! How have you been? Are you studying at another school now?

Oh, William, I almost forgot you wear black shorts because it's cold in New Zealand now. :D



Yes, I am studying at 清水 senior high school now.
I like this school very much, because my teachers and classmates love me.



It's a good news, Marjorie!! I'm glad that you love your new school. :) Good luck for everything. :)

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