網頁標題: 『ˇ中秋節放假』留言版,共有14則留言



Hey William,
How are you?
Ilove your plans for Moon festival!!I hope I can have BBQ and some moon cakes for the holiday, too. :D
Have a nice holiday!!



Hi,teacher Joann:
I am good.
How are you?
I miss you very much.
I learn "let's talk in Englis" with my Dad every day.






Hi William,
I'm also fine. I'm very happy in New Zealand.
Good job!! Keep learning English!!
Be careful for the typhoon!!Hope you and your family are all ok.
Happy Moon Festival!!



Oh! William! Please typing slowly. Keep writing article everyday. Ok! Gas up!



Today is Moon Festival.
I am watching the moon and think of you.
Wish you be happy.



Happy to hear that.
It's spring here. It's not mid-autumn but I still enjoyed watching the moon.
I had a happy Moon Festival.









You mean "Cherry is 駱綺"?



Dear teacher Joann:
There are one boy and five girls in my class.

絡琦's name is Cherry.
曼婷's name is Tina.
怡婷's name is Angel.
芝嘉's name is Vicky.
靜眉's name is Liliam.

Vicky and Liliam are new classmates.



Wow, you are the only boy in your class, lucky boy. :D
You all have English names because you have English class? How do you like it? Is it easy for you? :)



I like English.
I listen many English CD.
But I can't spell many words.



That's ok. It takes time. Just keep listening, good boy! :)

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